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Terms and Conditions

Thank you forvisiting our website  (“Website”). Thiswebsite is owned and cooperated by DigiBrave Hong Kong Limited (“DigiBrave”,"we", "our company"). Please read through carefully thislegal agreement of Terms and Conditions of Use ("Agreement") page andnotice that by using this site or any part of it, you agree that you have readcarefully these Terms and Conditions and that you accept and agree to be boundby the Agreement without any modifications. DigiBrave reserves the absolutediscretion to interpret this legal agreement. We may revise these terms andconditions from time to time by updating this page without any notice. Wesuggest that you visit and have a check this Terms and Conditions page fromtime to time so as to check for any updates or changes that it might be made.



You are required toregister be our member to fully enjoy the service and function provided by thiswebsite. During the registration you agree that you have provide us youraccurate and complete personal information. Our company has the absolutediscretion for our register and membership policy. Not limited to the rights tochange required information needed to be our member, refuse registration of anyuser and to terminate any registered account without any explanation and priornotice to the account owner.


In case you want tochange your personal information, please login in to this website and madechanges. In using this website, you agree to accept the responsibility forkeeping your account and password secure and confidential. If the security ofyour account has been compromised or if there is any unauthorised use of youraccount, our company is not responsible or liable for any loss or damagesresulting from this.


Eligibility toPurchase

To place anypurchases orders with us, you must in possession of a valid credit card issuedby a licensed bank which is acceptable by our company for payment or be inpossession of a valid PayPal account. You also need to make sure that thepersonal and payment details (email address, real name, phone number, billing informationand other requested information as indicated on the website) that you providedto us be valid, accurate, and most up-to-date. When you place purchase orderwith us, you authorised our company to process charges on your credit card andPayPal account in the total purchase amount of your order. You also authorisedus to use your personal information provided to perform appropriate anti-fraudchecks such as credit checks. Please refer to our “Return Policy” for moreinformation about how we use your personal data.


Payment Method

If your cardissuer, bank or payment account refuse to or cannot authorise payment to ourcompany, the order will not be recognised as paid order and we will not deliverthe product and be liable for any loss or damage resulting from delivery delay.


If you haveregistered an account on this website and have decided to save your personalinformation with us, your information will only be used to process transactionsthat you have initiated and securely stored on our systems. In the absence ofnegligence on our parts, we will not be liable for any loss or damage you maysuffer if any third party procures unauthorised access to any data you providewhen using our Services.



The currency we usein this website is Hong Kong Dollar.



This website acceptsorder delivered by local couriers. You have to provided a corrected address inthe checkout process and afford the corresponding delivery cost. (The deliveryaddress in the checkout procedure is not changeable after payment)


All the orders arebound by stock availability. Items in your shopping cart are not reserved andmay be purchased by other customers on a first come, first served basis. Beforefinish the payment process, the price of items in your shopping cart are alsosubject to change by time and are not confirmed when you simply add the item tothe shopping cart.



We will made everyreasonable effort to ensure the content and the product descriptions on thewebsite are accurate and completed. However, we do not guarantee that thecontent and product descriptions are accurate, completed, up-to-date orerror-free. Pictures of the products on this website for reference use only.You are not able to return a product only because it does not correspondexactly to its picture in this website.


Order Acceptance

Our companyreserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse or reject your order forany reason. Reasons that may result in your order being refuse including butnot limited to the followings:

            a) The product you ordered is out ofstock, applicable to one or all of the ordered items;

            b) We identify a pricing or productdescription error;

            c) Your card issuer, bank or PayPalaccount refuse to or cannot authorise payment to our 


            d) You do not meet the eligibilitycriteria to purchase as set out in this statement;


In case of anyproblems arise about the order placement, please feel free to contact visit ourshop.


Warranty Policy

Please refer to theinner and outer packaging for more details on how to use and care.


We suggest you tohave save and capture a photo of the receipt for further Warranty uS.Age. Forany enquiry about Warranty registration, please contact DigiBrave directly .

DigiBrave reservesthe right of final decision in case of any dispute in warranty policy.


Coupon anddiscount code

Any useablediscount coupon codes in this website cannot be exchanged for cash, gift or anyother products and are subjected to the source terms and conditions of use. Allkinds of DigiBrave shop coupons and discounts are not usable in this website.


Disclaimer ofLiability

While we will madeevery reasonable effort to ensure that the contents of this website isaccurate, reliable and up to date, we are not liable for any loss or damagescaused by or arising from any user’s reliance on the information obtained fromor through this Website. It is your responsibility to evaluate the informationand other content materials available through this Website.


The informationcontained on this website is provided on an “as is” basis and we make norepresentations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about thecompleteness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respectto this website or the information, products, services, or related graphicscontained on this website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on suchinformation is therefore at your own risk and those information are subject tochange at any time without any notice.


Liability anduse loss

Our company doesnot guarantee that the use of the Site and Services will be error-free or thatthe Site or the servers that make it available are free of viruses. Werecommend all users of the Site to ensure you have the most updated anti-virussoftware installed. We are not liable for any loss or damage. You agreed thatit is solely at your own risk by using this Website, and you assumed fullresponsibility of all loss: Including but not limited to: indirect orconsequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage arising from loss of dataor profits arising out of, or repairs of any equipment and/or software that youuse in connection with this Website.


            a) Force Majeure

If any situationhappened which beyond the control of our company, we shall not be liable forany delay or failure in our performance caused by or resulting from acts offire, flood, accident, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labourdifficulties, equipment failures, or any other causes beyond the control of ourcompany.


            b) Personal data

In using thisWebsite, you may give us some of your personal data. By using this Website, youconsent with us to use and handle your personal data.


            c) Third party websites

Please notice thatthis Website may contain hyperlinks to any third party websites like Facebook.We are not responsible for the availability of, or any content materialscontained in, or obtained through, any such third party websites, and shall notbe liable for any loss or damages arising from those websites or from theinformation, products or services supplied through such websites. If you haveany queries raised for these third party websites, please contact therespondents of those websites. In addition, no linking to this Website isallowed without prior written permission.


            d) Ownership & Copyrights

All copyright andother intellectual property such as text, images, sound and other materials onthis site are owned by DigiBrave, and are protected by copyright laws and otherintellectual property rights. The contents of this Website are intended solelyfor the purposes of promoting and marketing our business and related products.You are not allowed to reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, display,modify or exploit in anyway of this Website. DigiBrave reserves the right tomodify, vary or discontinue any contents or any products and services availableon this website without any prior notice.



Should any disputearise which related to this website, the decision of our company (DigiBrave)shall be final.



If any part ofAgreement in this Website are found invalid by any court of competentjurisdiction, that specific part of provisions shall be deemed to be omittedwithout affecting the validity of the remaining agreement of the Website.


This agreementshall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong KongS.A.R. By accessing and continuing your use of this website, you agree tosubmit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong S.A.R in respect of anymatters or disputes arising under this website.



In case ofinconsistency between this English version and the Chinese version, thisChinese version shall prevail.